Vision Source Reason to Believe
Vision Source members can easily cover their membership royalties through the savings on our spectacle lab and lens program alone. This tool is intended to show you an estimation of how much savings you could realize vs. the closest doctor alliance through our Essilor Elite Vendor spectacle lab and lens program. Again, this is one program alone. Meaning, Vision Source pays you to be a member through our private practice best savings opportunities from our many other vendors.
Compute your saving by being a Vision Source Member
Annual Practice Revenue:
Vision Source Membership Royalty:
Avg. Revenue Per Patient:
Comprehensive Exams per Year:
Lens Design Mix Single Vision, PALs and Bifocal should make 100%.
Single Vision Lenses:
Progressive Lenses:
Lined Multi-Focal Lenses:
Ophthalmic Lens Capture Rate:
Managed Vision Care Penetration:
Private Pay Package Utilization:
MVC Package Utilization:
Total Annual Savings
Private Pay Pricing Advantages
vs. Next Closest Dr. Alliance (PERC)
Private Pay Rebate Advantages
vs. Next Closest Dr. Alliance (PERC) Rebates
Exclusive Managed Care Rebates
n/a for Next Closest Dr. Alliance (PERC)
Single Vision
Pending Input
Pending Input
Pending Input
Pending Input
Pending Input
Pending Input
Lined Multi-Focal
Pending Input
Pending Input
Pending Input
Pending Input
Pending Input
Pending Input
Total Savings
Pending Input
Vision Source Royalties
Pending Input
Annual Net Royalties
Pending Input
Average Savings per Lens Pair
Private Pay Pricing Advantages
vs. Next Closest Dr. Alliance (PERC)
Private Pay Rebate Advantages
vs. Next Closest Dr. Alliance (PERC) Rebates
Exclusive Managed Care Rebates
n/a for Next Closest Dr. Alliance (PERC)
Single Vision
Lined Multi-Focal
* Calculation did not factor in ECP volume rebates
** Rebates $ is based on Avg Vision Source member performance (2020 Q3 data)
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